I'm running into a issue with restore_mode auto when i enable restore_dlg in the uac module. I have a feature where i reroute calls for a subscriber when it is offline. When routing calls to the subscriber i check the exit status of "lookup("location")" and re-route the call. This works fine. It seems to fail when i hit the failure route (subscriber has a usrloc entry but does not respond). In the failure route i append_branch and reroute the call.
The rerouting works fine, but when i receive the ACK on the 200OK on the re-routed call the "restore" feature seems to fail and i end up with a header like:
To: <sip:+<null>@voip-dev.domain.nl>;tag=5B8ABC8A-5C6ABE83000EBF35-AB202700 in the ACK.
If i disable restore_dlg feature from the UAC module it adds the vsf/vst to the Record-Route header and all works fine.
Do i need to do something special when i create a new branch and use the restore_dlg feature?
Jan Hazenberg