run with debug=3 and what the logs to see if there are error/warning messages.
Cheers, Daniel
On 01.11.19 10:26, Denys Pozniak wrote:
I'm trying to remove m=video stream from incoming SIP/SDP request in th way below:
modparam("rtpengine", "read_sdp_pv", "$avp(read_sdp_pv)") modparam("rtpengine", "write_sdp_pv", "$avp(write_sdp_pv)") ... sdp_remove_media("video"); msg_apply_changes(); sdp_get("$avp(read_sdp_pv)"); xlog("L_WARN","[$cfg(route)] *m=video removed* ci| rb=/$rb/ \n"); xlog("L_WARN","[$cfg(route)] *m=video removed* ci| avp(read_sdp_pv)=/$avp(read_sdp_pv)/ \n"); rtpengine_manage("$avp(rtpengine_offer)"); set_body("$avp(write_sdp_pv)", "application/sdp");
But no luck, xlog shows m=video in $rb and $avp(rtp_sdp_read) as well.
BR, Denys Pozniak
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