Will repeat reply here as sent it only to Daniel first
Yep. You understand right.
Here need to add some context then :-)
All my scripts "main.lua" ( that passed via *modparam* *load) *with cfg engine lua starts as
*function initPath() * *local myPath = debug.getinfo(1).source:match("@?(.*/)")* *if not string.match(package.path, myPath) then* * package.path = myPath .. '?.lua;' .. package.path* *end* *KSR.log("debug","package path loaded: ".. **package.path) * *end*
That I run as first step inside of all global functions like *ksr_request_route() *and etc
This gives me possibility to load modules which lays at the subdirs near my "*main.lua*" file that is kinda entry point
I can run it as global function too before others global function ofcourse, but without *KSR.log()*
For .*cfg *files Where I use lua_run() as extension I have the same structure of lua modules and files and also run this function on the main.lua for the same purpose *But *at the main flow, not inside function that Im calling via *lua_run() *
So accidently I started to run it at the main flow but forgot to remove *KSR.log()* and, actually, I expected to see Lua error like "KSR not defined" or etc. But this gave me different error that at the start of the topic and that confused me :-)
If need more clrification: I will be able to do it later on. Just let me know.
On Wed, 18 Sep 2019, 08:44 Daniel-Constantin Mierla, miconda@gmail.com wrote:
On 16.09.19 21:08, Yuriy Gorlichenko wrote:
I found issue: Called KSR.log earlier than it was initiated. Moved part of code previously used in cfgengine "lua" to lua_run().
Just to clarify: the issue was exposed because you moved some code that was used previously with cfgengine lua to a lua_run() usage? The KSR should be initialized quite early, that's why I am trying to figure out if there are cases when Lua code can be executed (due to some modparams or event routes) and the environment is not set, in order to find some solution for such cases. So if you can provide more details about how was used and not working, it may get fixes if it is a viable use case.
Cheers, Daniel
пн, 16 сент. 2019 г. в 15:25, Yuriy Gorlichenko ovoshlook@gmail.com:
Sorry Just a mistake. Offcourse it is path to kamailio.cfg file which contains path to main.lua as modparam. Sorry for confusing
On Mon, 16 Sep 2019, 10:45 Daniel-Constantin Mierla, miconda@gmail.com wrote:
is it "kamailio -f /etc/kamailio/extended/main.lua" or just a typing mistake, because the config path provided with -f should still be to the kamailio.cfg where you set global parameters, load modules and set their parameters?
Cheers, Daniel
On Mon, Sep 16, 2019 at 7:23 AM Yuriy Gorlichenko ovoshlook@gmail.com wrote:
Hi! Im using kamailio 5.1.8 with app_lua and getting this message during startup of kamailio. Looks like I forgot to add something at the module setup, but cant figure out what is wrong. My setup of app_lua is:
modparam("app_lua", "load", "/etc/kamailio/extended/main.lua") modparam("app_lua","reload",1) modparam("app_lua","register","textops")
app_lua [app_lua_sr.c:1599]: sr_kemi_lua_exec_func_ex(): invalid Lua environment attributes or parameters
starting kamailio service with kamailio -f /etc/kamailio/extended/main.lua
Also here is little bit confusing me that in case of use "KSR" everywhere I'm getting message about "sr"...
Thx in advice _______________________________________________ Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List sr-users@lists.kamailio.org https://lists.kamailio.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla - http://www.asipto.com http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda _______________________________________________ Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List sr-users@lists.kamailio.org https://lists.kamailio.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing Listsr-users@lists.kamailio.orghttps://lists.kamailio.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.comwww.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda Kamailio Advanced Training, Oct 21-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany -- https://asipto.com/u/kat