On 19.10.2012 21:40, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
But in this case the call is completed, because negative response codes are absorbed by tm, 200ok being sent back, so no need to destroy any rtp session. iirc, for all branches of a parallel fork there is one rtp session in rtpproxy (cannot tell about other media relays).
sorry that i was not clear enough: the branch replying with 200 ok is not using rtpproxy (e.g. is not behing nat), whereas one or more of the other ones that replied negatively would have used it.
Is it really worth differing between nated and non-nated clients?
Probably this depends on the setup - e.g. setups for cable-ISPs do not require proxying if cable modems use public IP addresses, but other VoIP services were users mostly of sofpthones I would guess that most of the time the users are behind NAT (or some FW).
In my setup I always treat every user as natted user - this makes the config much more simpler. But I haven't had projects with huge user bases where capacity on the rtpproxy and IP traffic was an issue.
regards Klaus