Hello Daniel,
I have re-installed kamailio from last 4.1 branch, but unfortunately, the
problem persists.
Failed call with callID=2-17858(a)10.25153.150.
The log file i send to your private mail.
Best regards,
On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 12:03 AM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla <
miconda(a)gmail.com> wrote:
got the time to analyze your last logs and I discovered that the previous
patch was not resetting properly the dialog shortcuts. I pushed a fix, can
you try again with the latest version from one of the branches: master, 4.2
or 4.1?Let me know the results.
On 15/01/15 23:42, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
I looked at the logs, but I cannot see the log message I added with the
patch for reseting local dialog shortcuts after onreply and failure route.
It shuld be something like:
"... resetting the local dialog shortcuts"
Are you sure you are running the latest branch 4.1? You can send the
output of kamailio -v to double check here.
I separated the logs per process and looked when a 301 was received,
apparently the ones for Call-ID: 4-21712 are matching the same dialog. I
found something not printing the same kind of logs like for other 301 for
Call-ID: 2-21712. If you can point the line in the logs where you think it
was the wrong dialog match, I can investigate from there, but now I
couldn't find any lead.
Anyhow, if it is the latest branch 4.1 and the problem still persists, can
you add the following xlog at the beginning of main request_route (or the
route {...} ), plus in each reply_route, onreply_route and failure_route:
xlog("processing $rm ( $ci / %ft / $tt / $hdr(Via) ) [$fu => $tu]\n");
Then redo the tests to catch the issue and send me the new logs. Because
you use sipp with tags like '4', it is hard to search on a single tocken
and I want to have the all message attribute when a relevant route block is
On 14/01/15 15:07, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
Hello Julia,
ok, I will look over the logs very soon.
As a short note for the future, make the archives zip or tgz, being more
common formats that can be unarchived everywhere without installing
additional app, being handy to open even on small devices. Now it is ok
with rar, being at the desk.
On 14/01/15 14:43, Julia Boudniatsky wrote:
Hello Daniel,
Please find in attached file the debug 3 log.
Failed call with Call-ID: 4-21712(a)
The problem occurred with all modes of "dlg_match_mode "
The same load test in 3.3 executed without failures.
Thank you,
Mierlahttp://twitter.com/#!/miconda -
Mierlahttp://twitter.com/#!/miconda -