I'm facing some very different when making calls with an ATA... it happens exactly as a msg written to the list a couple months ago, but I found no response for this question.
It's weird cause it does not happen when I call from an ATA to another ATA with alias on the same proxy.
Any clues?!
[Serusers] Session Header != Media ? Kannaiyan Natesan nkans at lycos.co.uk Fri Nov 21 19:57:33 CET 2003
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I tried to call using cisco ata 186 within itself. But after few seconds it automatically cuts off automatically.
Below is the log from ata 186.
Please help. Thanks.
[0:0]Start RTP Rx RTP Rx Init: 0, 0 [0]INVITE Retry 0 Response=100; Trying Session Header != Media AVT: payload=101 [1]: OOB DTMF [1:0]Start RTP Rx RTP Rx Init: 1, 1 SCC:ev=21[1:0] 0 0 SCC:ev=5[1:0] 13 0 [1:0]RINGING SCC Cmd[1:0]ALERT Response=180; Ringing SCC:ev=10[0:0] 3 0 [0]StartTone 3 [1]StopTone SCC Cmd[1:0]ANSWER [1]R2INV Retry 0 Session Header != Media AVT: payload=101 Response=200; OK [0]: OOB DTMF [0:0]Rel LBRC Res Frames per packet=2 SetG723Mode: 2 0 [0]Enable encoder 0 [0]: EC 1 RTP TX[0]:SSRC_ID = 1803d488 RTP Tx Init: 0, 0 [0]Enable encoder 0 Enable LEC adapt [0]=1 [0]Start/Resume Media-> (pt=0) SCC:ev=12[0:0] 3 0 [0]StopTone [1]DPKT 1st: 800 560, pt 13 [1]R2INV Retry 1 Session Header != Media AVT: payload=101 [1]R2INV Retry 2 Session Header != Media AVT: payload=101 [1]R2INV Retry 3 Session Header != Media AVT: payload=101 [1]R2INV Retry 4 Session Header != Media AVT: payload=101 [1]R2INV Retry 5 Session Header != Media AVT: payload=101 [1]R2INV Retry 6 Session Header != Media AVT: payload=101 [1]R2INV Retry 7 Session Header != Media AVT: payload=101 change next hop[1]: c = 2 R2INV TO; NoAltProxy Timeout waiting for ACK [1]BYE Retry 0 Got BYE/CANCEL Resp SCC:ev=13[1:0] 6 0 [1]StartTone 2 [1]StopTone SCC Cmd[1:0]RELEASE CCBS expired
SIP Soft Reset [1:0] <<<
[1:0]Rel LBRC Res [1]MPT mode 0 SCC Cmd[0:0]DISCONNECT [0]BYE Retry 0 Got BYE/CANCEL Resp SCC:ev=13[0:0] 10 0 SCC Cmd[0:0]RELEASE