Hello list.
I have a question/problem regarding the LCR module. I'm using Kamailio version 1.5.2. The LCR tables have :
gw table : 126 records
lrc tables : 120 records.
I'm using the "ping" (ping = 1) feature in all my gateways, part of the cfg file is as follows :
modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timer_avp", "$avp(i:704)")
modparam("lcr", "gw_uri_avp", "$avp(i:709)")
modparam("^auth$|lcr", "rpid_avp", "$avp(i:302)")
modparam("lcr", "ruri_user_avp", "$avp(i:500)")
modparam("lcr", "flags_avp", "$avp(i:712)")
modparam("lcr", "fetch_rows", 3000)
modparam("lcr", "ping_interval", 10)
modparam("lcr", "ping_from", "sip:pinger@mydomain.net")
modparam("lcr", "ping_method", "OPTIONS")
From time to time I can see 3 o 4 gateways marked as down (with the
command kamctl lcr dump). I'm not manually monitoring the gateways every minute so is possible that in a particular moment the gateways could be unreachable, but when I run the command "kamctl lcr dump" the gateways are on-line, that's for sure.
So I'm not understanding why LCR keep marking the gateways as down, even if they are answering to the OPTIONS request. Could this be a bug in the LCR module? Or maybe I'm missing something?. The silly part of all this is the gateways marked as down are always the same. Could this be related to a memory issue??
Can someone guide me here?.
Thanks in advance,
Ricardo Martinez.-