Hello all,
I am trying to debug a new module that I have written.
So I have set fork=no and debug=4 and commented out the
child line.
The question I have is that the how may times the child_init()
function be called ?
The child_init() function in my module sets up a socket connection
to a server and I can see that the child_init() function is getting
called 3 times. I do not understand this. Am I missing something ?
The mod_init function is getting called only once, like it is supposed to.
I have attached the output from ser startup. The module that I have written
is called gl.
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: INFO: glenayre redirector(gl module) initializing
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is initially 65535
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: INFO: udp_init: SO_RCVBUF is finally 262142
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: gl:INFO: gl_child_init(): init_child #-1 / pid
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: gl:INFO: gl_child_init(): Initializing TCP
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: gl:INFO: gl_child_init(): TCP port = 1234
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: gl:INFO: gl_child_init(): TCP host = localhost
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: INFO: fifo process starting: 10270
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: gl:INFO: gl_child_init(): init_child #-2 / pid
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: gl:INFO: gl_child_init(): Initializing TCP
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: gl:INFO: gl_child_init(): TCP port = 1234
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: gl:INFO: gl_child_init(): TCP host = localhost
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: SER: open_uac_fifo: fifo server up at
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: gl:INFO: gl_child_init(): init_child #1 / pid
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: gl:INFO: gl_child_init(): Initializing TCP
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: gl:INFO: gl_child_init(): TCP port = 1234
Nov 2 14:07:20 sara ser: gl:INFO: gl_child_init(): TCP host = localhost
any help is appreciated,
Jignesh Gandhi
Software Engineer II