Hello hello,
I would like to monitor our production kamailio cluster (5.3) with prometheus and I was in
the beginning so happy to spot the xhhtp_prom module.
But when we enabled it, the output was in view of prometheus malformed in combination with
the usrloc module, we got the following output:
kamailio_usrloc_location-contacts 0 1597934423943
kamailio_usrloc_location-expires 0 1597934423943
kamailio_usrloc_location-users 0 1597934423943
Prometheus only accepts “_” instead of “-“. So unfortunately I get
"strconv.ParseFloat: parsing "-contacts": invalid syntax” on the prometheus
primary node, when I activated the scraper.
This has been issued in the master branch of kamailio with a sanatize function for that
problem. But I would like to avoid compiling modules by myself, because this can be messy
from time to time.
That´s why my question, is there maybe another way of fixing this?
I really appreciate any comments here and thanks for your time,
Tim Unkrig