On 09.05.2011 22:44, JR Richardson wrote:
Would there be any usage examples of dialog module? I'm not sure if I really need profiles and [values] and when to set and unset. A push in the right direction would be helpful.
Hi, here is an example I've used for incoming and outgoing calls tracking, just tune it for your purposes:
loadmodule "dialog.so" modparam("dialog", "dlg_flag", 4) modparam("dialog", "db_mode", 1) modparam("dialog", "profiles_with_value", "carrierin;carrierout") ... create_dialog(); if(is_from_gw()) { # Monitor number of incoming calls get_profile_size("carrierin","$si","$avp(s:cnt)"); xlog("L_INFO", "----- currently, the carrier $si has $avp(s:cnt) active outgoing calls\n"); set_dlg_profile("carrierin","$si"); } else { # Monitor number of outgoing calls get_profile_size("carrierout","$rd","$avp(s:cnt)"); xlog("L_INFO", "----- currently, the carrier $rd has $avp(s:cnt) active outgoing calls\n"); set_dlg_profile("carrierout","$rd"); }
-- Sincerely, Andrew Pogrebennyk
Thanks Andrew, very nice example, this will definitely help.
Have a great day.