Roman, Yes, we have used it and it works great. A2billing + Asterisk are the best solution for building VoIP solution, specially calling card platform. Using Kamailio for proxy and have multiple asterisks behind it works great when you need more capacity + Failover + Load Balancing.
Setting up all this can be quit challenging without prior expereince. So most start ups start with 1 or 2 asterisk+a2billing servers and move up as the traffic increases.
BTW: If you decide to buy DIDs from, we can do the load balancing/Fail over for your multiple asterisk servers at no additional cost.
On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 6:23 PM, roman dmytriv wrote:
proxy, NAT traversal, load balancing if more Asterisks are added. pretty much the role it's playing in Sipwise platform. Or this is something not technically feasible?
On Thu, 10 Nov 2011 21:15:43 -0500, Alex Balashov wrote:
On 11/10/2011 09:10 PM, roman dmytriv wrote:
for the purpose it was designed for: billing web-basad management, etc. Unless I missing something.
Well, yes, but what role do you envision Kamailio playing?
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