Hi, all.
I has configure kamailio.cfg as below:
#!ifdef WITH_TLS
modparam("tls", "session_id", "vic22")
modparam("tls", "session_cache",1)
modparam("tls", "tls_disable_compression",0)
modparam("tls", "config", "/usr/cfg/tls.cfg")
I was sure that this configure segment was included , in case that I set a wrong path to
modparam("tls", "config", "/wrong paths/tls.cfg")
the kamailio can`t boost and raised error.
But, when I debug this configure with gdb, I found that, within method : init_tls_compression(),
Line 384 of tls_init.c
384 } else if (cfg_get(tls, tls_cfg, disable_compression)){
385 LOG(L_INFO, "tls: init_tls: disabling compression...\n");
386 sk_SSL_COMP_zero(comp_methods);
The param value from cfg was always 1, namely:
* print ((struct cfg_group_tls *)tls_cfg)->disable_compression
Why that? Are there something wrong?
Rixin liu