If dispatcher sets a socket for sending out, you can get its address with $fs.
Also, there is a mode parameter for dispatcher that allows you to specify you want the socket value from attributes to be set as string in a field of an xavp -- right now I have now quick option to check it myself and point to it, just look at the dispatcher readme.
Cheers, Daniel
On 21.06.22 12:14, Tor Petterson wrote:
I guess I didn't explain myself well enough. I would like to find the socket address programatically from the kamailio.cfg script. so after I do this: if (ds_select_domain($var(dispgroup), "4")) { xavp_params_explode($xavp(dsdst=>attrs), "dstattr");
is there a way to get the IP address of the selected socket?
*From:* sr-users sr-users-bounces@lists.kamailio.org on behalf of Mathias WOLFF mathias@celea.org *Sent:* Tuesday, June 21, 2022 11:58 *To:* Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List sr-users@lists.kamailio.org *Subject:* Re: [SR-Users] Finding advertised address of socket Hello, Yes, you can add it in the configuration file, it is the 'socket' -> used to set the sending socket for the gateway. It is used for sending the SIP traffic as well as OPTIONS keepalives.
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------- Original Message ------- Le mardi 21 juin 2022 à 11:53, Tor Petterson tor.petterson@enreach.com a écrit :
I have a setup where Kamailio is connected to several telephony providers using different IP addresses to communicate with them. So I have a socket per provider. I am using the dispatcher module to route calls to the different providers. My question is if there is a way to get the advertised address of the socket chosen by dispatcher? I have a socket pointer in the XAVP, but I can't figure out if it is possible to get the advertised address from it somehow.
Thanks in advance. Tor
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