Hi Sainath,
Created new user with "1003" and given authentication algorithm as
MD5". Even i tried with authentication algorithm as "SIP Digest" but
same error as below. Configured X-lite softfone and tried to register a user but getting error
"403 Forbidden - HSS Authentication Scheme Unsupported"
Please look into the tracefile. The Diameter MAR in packet#18 contains AVP: SIP-Authentication-Scheme(608) l=28 f=VM- vnd=TGPP val=Digest-AKAv1-MD5 which leads to " HSS Authentication Scheme Unsupported", because HSS now expects to challenge with Digest-MD5.
That means that the S-CSCF still uses "AKAv1-MD5" as default authentication schema. You should change/enable REG_AUTH_DEFAULT_ALG "MD5" in scscf.cfg or - as a better alternative - use "HSS-Selected".
Then try again.
BR Franz