Interesting! In my particular case, it's a Netgear ADSL router running a version of uCLinux or something similar. The Netgear firmware is apparently available for download (minus some proprietry WWW frontend and related stuff) in order to comply to the GPLv2, but I haven't taken the time to do this in order to check which Netfilter modules are being used by the particluar 2.4.x kernel. In any case, I'm not particularly good at C, so it wouldn't do me any good anyway. However, in my experience the "statefulness" of a Linux Netfilter-based gateway should be sufficient to be able to handle a situation like this transparently, unless there is still something fundamental that I'm missing.
Be that as it may, the simple question still remains: is it possible to handle more than one UA behind a single NAT gateway with a single SER setup on the outside of the NAT gateway (RFC 1918 address space inside, normal routable IP outside)? Alternatively, would it be best to have an inside SER that simply forwards all SIP traffic to the outside SER?
On Sun, 2005-12-04 at 11:05 +0100, Harry Behrens wrote:
could be an issue of the local gateway. most NAT devices explicitly block "hairpinning", which is happening in your case.
Jan Henkins wrote:
Hello Rafael,
This is an issue I'm having at the moment as well, where two UA's are behind the same nat. SIP obviously works fine, I can ring one UA from the other (one UA a Grandstream Budgetone 100 and the other the X-Lite softphone from Counterpath). Audio doesn't work. Did you get this working with forcing rtpproxy?
On Fri, 2005-12-02 at 09:44 -0500, Rafael R. GV wrote:
Hi I need to let the UAs speak directly to each other without force rtpproxy, Is there any solution for this issue?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Rafael J. Risco G.V. Date: Apr 22, 2005 2:17 PM Subject: UA´s behind same NAT using na thelper/rtpproxy, No Audio... To:
I am using avpops to enable SER to see if the UAs are located behind the same address and now I need to let the UAs speak directly to each other (without force rtpproxy), please someone see my configuration below and send some advice.
----. if (!lookup("location")) { log(1,"unable to locate user \n"); # handle user which was not found route(4); break; };
### Test if UAS are in the same NAT: # get the host part of the final uri (IP part) # and store it in AVP ID 13 avp_write("$ruri/domain", "i:13"); if (avp_check("i:13","eq/$src_ip/i")) { log(1, "source IP is the same as destination IP
\n"); route(3); break; }; avp_delete("i:13/g"); . . # -------------- Same NAT Call Routing (no force rtpproxy) ----
route[3]{ log(1," route[3]: UAs are in the same nat, NO force_rtp_proxy ");
### Do something!!!!
if(!t_relay()){ sl_reply_error(); };
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