Hello all,
I have redis database where the data is inserted in JSON format:
#Redis Command
JSON.GET Index1J:12345678
#Redis Result [ { "SupplierID": "7", "BCode": "987654", "Rate": 0.159 }, { "SupplierID": "7", "BCode": "765432", "Rate": 0.159 }, { "SupplierID": "7", "BCode": "5432159", "Rate": 0.159 } ]
When I try to get the result using Lua script in Kamailio like the following: #kamailio command if KSR.ndb_redis.redis_cmd("srvN", "JSON.GET pricelistJ:441246890", "ra") then KSR.xlog.xinfo("array size: $redis(ra=>size)\n"); KSR.xlog.xinfo("Redis Response: " .. tostring(ra) .. "\n") KSR.xlog.xinfo("first values: $redis(ra=>value[0]) , $redis(ra=>value[1])\n"); end
Nov 7 07:58:15 868d08ee318d /usr/sbin/kamailio[72]: INFO: LUA {INVITE}: <script>: array size: <null> Nov 7 07:58:15 868d08ee318d /usr/sbin/kamailio[72]: INFO: LUA {INVITE}: <script>: Redis Response: nil Nov 7 07:58:15 868d08ee318d /usr/sbin/kamailio[72]: INFO: LUA {INVITE}: <script>: first values: <null> , <null>
I'm getting null results.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong here. Can you please assist?