At 11:48 AM 6/4/2003, wrote:
Starting using ser with the default ser.cfg on my linux system, I was able to successfully REGISTER a SIP UA to the ser proxy. 200 OK was answered by the proxy to the UA. I did not install MySql and would like to look at InMeme DB Registration status. serctl ul show returns the following and I can't get any info about my registered UA. Could you help me ? ===Domain list=== ---Domain--- name : 'location' size : 512 table: 0x402fb350 d_ll { n : 0 first: (nil) last : (nil) } lock : 0
Normally, it should display the contacts. So either there is a bug or the REGISTER included a short-termed expiration period which invalidated the contact before you dumped it. Can you please send us dumped messages if you think it is not the latter case?