You can realize any of auth methods by yourself and include it via config file/kemi on lua/by adding module
forexample I added SSO auth without any troubles instead of basid MD5 for some projects.
2017-11-11 18:49 GMT+03:00 Alex Balashov
Do you know of any mainstream SIP UACs which support anything other than standard MD5 digest auth?
On November 10, 2017 7:11:26 PM EST, "Walter Martín Villalba" <> wrote:
I did some searches online and talked to some colleagues and it seems Kamailio only supports the traditional HTTP digest authentication, which uses MD5. I would like to know if any of you has been successful in using bcrypt/scrypt/pbkdf2 passwd hashing, instead of MD5, which has been deemed as obsolete and insecure a long time ago. Perhaps you've written your own auth module, or just modified the config script to call some other credential checking routine using a custom python/perl script (I'm thinking of doing the latter, of nothing better is available).
If any of you have done something like this, using bcrypt or any other current and secure hashing algorithm, I would appreciate some guidance. If you haven't, aren't you concerned about storing MD5 password hashes in your database?
Note: if I can't find a good answer using this list, I will try the developer's list next.
Thanks in advance,
-- Alex
-- Sent via mobile, please forgive typos and brevity.
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