hmmm, well i used the t_relay with IP address to forward the requests to asterisk resp. OCSmediation server see:
route { ... if (src_ip == 172.xx.xx.xx) { # relay request to * if (!t_relay("udp:172.xx.xx.xx:5060")) { sl_reply_error(); } } else { # relay request to OCS if (!t_relay("tcp:172.xx.xx.xx:5060")) { sl_reply_error(); } }
# use a non-generic reply route to be able to use transaction flags t_on_reply("1");
if (method == INVITE) setflag(3); xlog("L_INFO","$Cyb$rm: mf=$mf, bf=$bf, sf=$sf$Cxx\n"); exit; }
is there any problem with that? -hugo
-----Original Message----- From: Juha Heinanen [] Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 2:08 PM To: Hugo Koblmueller Cc: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu; Subject: Re: [OpenSER-Users] scope of openser flags
Hugo Koblmueller writes:
t_on_reply("1"); if (method == INVITE) setflag(3); xlog("L_INFO","$Cyb$rm: mf=$mf, bf=$bf, sf=$sf$Cxx\n"); exit;
onreply_route[1] { xlog("L_INFO","$Cyr$rs($rr): mf=$mf, bf=$bf, sf=$sf$Cxx\n"); }
i don't see t_relay anywhere.
-- juha