вт, 26 сент. 2017 г. в 0:08, E. Schmidbauer eschmidbauer@gmail.com:
wow, this is great, can't wait to try it out! one question though, the Dockerfile is using `scratch` but the folder structure indicates `alpine` (pkg/kamailio/alpine_docker) should this file path be renamed?
Image compilation is splited on two phases pre_build - really getting sources and compiling using alpine image. Please look https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/blob/master/pkg/kamailio/alpine_docker/... and docker docs https://docs.docker.com/docker-cloud/builds/advanced/. At this stage created tar archive with filesystem image
And second stage where filesystem images is placed on scratch layer. This allow separate build state where installed many development tools and image creation where simple decompressed image filesystem.
Image really build using alpine linux dist. scratch layer used to create minimal image with only required libs.
This image image also contains tcpdump and dumppcap tools. So you can easy debug SIP traffic if you prefer to used docker bridge or swarm network.