a new presence server which follows the standards and latest draft of SIMPLE has been committed on CVS. With this occasion I want to introduce Anca Vamanu, a new developer which will be in charge of maintaining the presence related stuff.
The new module passed successfully a period of tests with common SIP UAs having SIMPLE extensions. It is still long way until we get full SIMPLE extensions, but we have the most desired functionalities: presence info, watcher info and XCAP. Some of you already tested it, and would be great if we can collect the experiences everyone encounters with presence extensions and different UA. There is a dokuwiki page where everybody can contribute:
Since there are not so many mature implementation in client side, the testing proves to be a difficult process, and your help is very welcome. The dokuwiki page includes some sample config files that can be used as starting point.
The news on web site and the readme for the module: http://www.openser.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=62&... http://www.openser.org/docs/modules/devel/presence.html
Next on track is a generic module which will be able to publish presence information in behalf of dummy entities. For example will publish online/offline for hardphones registered on user location table.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Cheers, Daniel