Hello All!
2010/1/27 Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc@aliax.net:
Hi, I'm realizing that rtpproxy session is not automatically terminated when an outgoing INVITE transaction fails ([3456]XX response received from downstream), so the rtpproxy session dies after a while due to time expiration.
So I've added the following code to my on_reply_route:
onreply_route[X] {
if is_method("INVITE") && status =~ "[3456][0-9][0-9]" unforce_rtp_proxy();
Yes, that's correct.
It seems to do the job. However I expected this to be done automatically by rtpproxy module when an INVITE transaction for which a rtpproxy session has been created fails.
Do I miss something? or is it the expected behavior?
Unfortunately, yes. To be able to close rtp session automatically, you need exlplicitly watch call state (with dialog module, for example), and that can be considered as a performance loss.