Hello all,
two questions regarding alias_db:
1) How do I make use of the append_branches function of alias_db? Trying to insert two or more aliases is not possible in the current db layout ( UNIQUE KEY `alias_idx` (`alias_username`,`alias_domain`) ). The idea was to enable simple db-based parallel branching ("group call") via alias_db by inserting one or more users to one alias. This seems not possible.
2) Use of alias_db "breaks" presence_dialog, because dialog matching is based on from / to header (instead from / final AoR after alias_db_lookup() ), thus presence_dialog events cannot be created and PUBLISHed to end devices. I was wondering whether it would be sufficient to uac_replace_from in branch_route[] before the final t_relay work around this, or if there is another solution out there?
Many thanks and best regards, Martin