Steve Blair wrote:
I'm interested in how this community is providing voicemail service to IP phone users registered to a SER proxy. If you can speak to this point I'd appreciate any feedback you can provide. Specifically I'm interested in:
- What product is providing voice mail service?
An alternative to sems is Asterisk, which is a full open source PBX. In our installation we are only using it as a voicemail server.
- With this system can users manipulate messages via the telephone set?
Yes, via a separate dial in number. It also is configured to email voicemail to users. Asterisk writes voicemail to per-user directories, so it is also easy to provide web access to voicemail. I imagine that it would not be difficult to configure/modify sems to provide these same services.
- If the answer to #2 is yes then how is this functionality implemented. Do you provision a lead number for users to call into voicemail?
We provision a number to call into voicemail.