Hi all,
i try to register at the rtpproxy mailinglist, but its still pending.
Maybe someone here had the same issue.
In my multihomed setup (with mhomed=1 in kamailio.cfg) i had segfaults
from rtpproxy if i called rtpproxy_manage with params.
Notice that i must run rtpproxy as root to get core files.
Any hints? Maybe my kamailio config isnt right?
ulimit -c unlimited ; /usr/local/bin/rtpproxy -u root -s
/home/sys/bin/rtpproxy.sock -l <PUBLIC-IP> -d
Apr 10 15:13:40 kamailio1 rtpproxy[19728]: DBUG:handle_command:
received command "V"
Apr 10 15:13:40 kamailio1 rtpproxy[19728]: DBUG:doreply: sending reply
Apr 10 15:13:40 kamailio1 rtpproxy[19728]: DBUG:handle_command:
received command "VF 20050322"
Apr 10 15:13:40 kamailio1 rtpproxy[19728]: DBUG:doreply: sending reply "1#012"
Apr 10 15:13:40 kamailio1 rtpproxy[19728]: DBUG:handle_command:
received command "VF 20071116"
Apr 10 15:13:40 kamailio1 rtpproxy[19728]: DBUG:doreply: sending reply "1#012"
Apr 10 15:13:40 kamailio1 rtpproxy[19728]: DBUG:handle_command:
received command "VF 20081102"
Apr 10 15:13:40 kamailio1 rtpproxy[19728]: DBUG:doreply: sending reply "1#012"
Apr 10 15:13:40 kamailio1 rtpproxy[19728]: DBUG:handle_command:
received command "UEIc107,0,8,101
NTgxNzRkMmJmYzFlYjg2NTdiN2Q3MzJkYjkzMzI3Yjk. 217.XXX.XXX.XX 49814
Apr 10 15:13:40 kamailio1 rtpproxy[19728]: INFO:handle_command: new
session NTgxNzRkMmJmYzFlYjg2NTdiN2Q3MzJkYjkzMzI3Yjk., tag 00671612;1
requested, type strong
Apr 10 15:13:40 kamailio1 rtpproxy[19728]: INFO:handle_command: new
session on a port 36156 created, tag 00671612;1
Apr 10 15:13:40 kamailio1 rtpproxy[19728]: INFO:handle_command:
pre-filling caller's address with 217.XXX.XX.XX:49814
Apr 10 15:13:40 kamailio1 rtpproxy[19728]: DBUG:doreply: sending reply
"36156 212.XX.XX.XXX#012"
(gdb) bt
#0 0x0804ccb8 in ishostseq (ia1=0x99c54c8, ia2=0x0) at rtpp_util.c:55
#1 0x080514ba in handle_command (cf=0xbffb9d8c, controlfd=5,
dtime=1334063620.8220949) at rtpp_command.c:761
#2 0x0804afb7 in process_commands (argc=9, argv=0xbffda634) at main.c:752
#3 main (argc=9, argv=0xbffda634) at main.c:856
(gdb) p ia1->sa_family
$1 = 2
(gdb) p ia2->sa_family
Cannot access memory at address 0x0
# RTPProxy control
route[NATMANAGE] {
#!ifdef WITH_NAT
xlog("NATMANAGE M=$rm RURI=$ru F=$fu T=$tu IP=$si ID=$ci\n");
if (is_request()) {
if(has_totag()) {
if(check_route_param("nat=yes")) {
if (isbflagset(FLB_NATB))
if (dst_ip == PUBLIC_IP ) {
xlog("rtpproxy_manage extern zu intern\n");
} else {
xlog("rtpproxy_manage intern zu extern\n");
if (is_request()) {
if (!has_totag()) {
if (is_reply()) {
if(isbflagset(FLB_NATB)) {
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
*Karsten Horsmann*