Single server outbound is on my todo list. I have put the details of what is needed here:
Don't know if or when I'll get time to do it though.
On 10/04/13 11:54, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Peter Dunkley writes:
You can use the force_outbound option in the outbound module to make path and rr add flow-tokens even when the client isn't doing outbound.
thank for info. it may not work though, if registrar and edge proxy are combined. in my current test, i have two proxies/registrars each serving serving as edge proxy for the other. when ua registers with p1, p1 can force outbound when it forwards register to p2, but it cannot add those when it processes the register itself.
perhaps there could be an option to take path and rr flow tokens from pseudo vars instead of the headers?
-- juha
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