On 3/26/11 7:45 AM, Juha Heinanen wrote:
Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:
there is a transformation to get %hexa back to ascii char, have you tried this one? http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/transformations:3.1.x#sunescapeuse...
i didn't, because @ is not allowed in userpart.
just for sake of clarification, the transformation can work on any kind of string, not only on valid 'username' values. It was named this way because at that time was targeting username parts of URI, otherwise just ignore the 'user' terminology in the name of transformation. Maybe would be good to rename (or add an alias) to s.unescape.hexa
Cheers, Daniel
anyway, as i mentioned, the problem is elsewhere. xcap doc should not contains uris in escaped form or alternatively they should be unescaped automatically when they are fetched from xcap server by presence server.
-- juha