Here is the result. By ignoring the R-URI when matching the INVITE transaction, OpenSER becomes not RFC3261 compliant. In chapter 9.1. Client behavior when canceling it is stated as MUST that R-URI must be the same.
The following procedures are used to construct a CANCEL request. The Request-URI, Call-ID, To, the numeric part of CSeq, and From header fields in the CANCEL request MUST be identical to those in the request being cancelled, including tags.
Because the R-URI is not the same, OpenSER generates another branch id.
What should be the solution, to remove the ruri_matching flag from OpenSER and have it all the time RFC-compliant, or keep ruri_matching and re-use the Via branch id from INVITE. What OpenSER users would like more?
Cheers, Daniel
On 02/02/06 17:44, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
You are right, I missed the branch value. I will investigate further, at least the initial INVITE transaction is matched, since the R-URI is restored. The problem should be in branch id generation.
Cheers, Daniel
On 02/02/06 15:54, Jose Antonio Garvayo wrote:
Hello Daniel,
Thanks for your response, but I still think there's an error in openser. Let me explain it: [...]