Hello, you need to upgrade ser-mysql package, too. Download both ser and ser-mysql v0.8.12 RPMs and use 'rpm -Uvh ser*.rpm'.
Although, you should take the latest stable version from CVS (see http://www.iptel.org/ser/cvs/) -- it has a better nat support.
On 1/15/2004 12:01 PM, Shirley Toh wrote:
I need to upgrade the NAThelper module from 0.8.11 to 0.8.12 in order to have some of the lastest features and commands built in. But when I trying to do the rpm upgrade, i have error on failed dependecies on the "ser-mysql < 0.8.12 conflict with ser-0.8.12. Please advice is there anyway that I can be able to do the upgrade for the Nathelper only or is there anyway to bypass the mysql module. I am using Linux 9.0. Pease advice.
best regards, shirley toh
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