Hi Patrick,
You will need to recompile. Why are you using 1.1? In less then a month this version will be unsupported due to the release of 1.3. I would suggest using 1.3.
Regards, Ovidiu Sas
On Nov 28, 2007 8:42 AM, Patrick Miccio pmiccio@upcbroadband.com wrote:
Hi everyone,
I came across another problem when using a newly compiled OpenSER binary (from 1.1.1-notls source with no modifications).
When starting OpenSER with -c -f configfile I would get the following errors:
0(18837) parse error (354,1-2): invalid routing table number
Looking around with google I found out that this is because in the original config.h the following is set:
define RT_NO 40 /* routing tables number */
In my openser.cfg there is already 44 routing tables ;)
So my question is: can you somehow set RT_NO in openser.cfg, or is that only possible in config.h + recompiling?
digital greetings,
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