Hello Tomas,
At 10:35 PM 2/18/2003, Tomas Björklund wrote: [...]
I'm beginning to see why this is a pain to do :)
Got it working 'kinda', the problem is not to change the From: adress but to actually change it back when sending messages to the originating UA.
From in requests would have to be rewritten, From in replies for these requests too, To in subsequent requests (and associated replies) from the other party too.
Do you have any example configuration for SER to do this? It looks like you've done som testing in the area ? This is a feature many people (anyone with a pstn-gateway) could use.
Unfortunately not -- that is a piece of work which would have to be implemented. We can provide guidance but have currently no cycles to do it ourselves. It is actually not such a big deal but all of us are now burdened with the upcoming ser release.
Something like a './serctl enum add phonenumber sip-user[@domain.com]' that gets added to the sql database would be nice.
Getting the aliases in the database is trivial part. Transaction rewriting is the major piece of work.