I using Mysql DB. I need to add extra fields in acc table. The field having problem is the last one 'account'
Here is my code in kamailio.cfg: ... modparam("acc", "db_extra", "src_user=$fU;src_domain=$fd;dst_ouser=$tU;dst_user=$rU;dst_domain=$rd;user_agent=$hdr(User-Agent);account=$var(s:account_number)") ...
route {
dp_translate("3", "$fU/$avp(s:dst)") $v(s:account_number) = $avp(s:dst);
.... }
By looking at the xlog message, $v(s:account_number) has correct value. But the value in acc table is not always correct. Sometime account field populated with 0 and sometime it populated with wrong account number. It seems that $v(s:account_number) sometime corrupted.
Am I doing something wrong?