So I can define my own attributes through serweb, give them some value through global attributes in serweb and they will be visible in ser.cfg by such reference $some_attr_name?? Will they appear in global_attrs table in ser db??
Thanks tomasz
Jiri Kuthan pisze:
in scripts, just use it :-) for example, in the to-be-released example config file, we check if source ip of a packet equals a predefined IP address of a gateway.
if (@src.ip == $gw_ip) {
for this, serweb has a defined attr_type, upon which an AVP with a certain value is defined.
At 15:28 26/09/2007, Tomasz Zieleniewski wrote:
I would like to be able to perform some checks inside ser.cfg, globaly for all user. I need to have some kind of the global tag or attribute set to point a specific condition. How can I achive that in the nice way, the best would be if this parameter is somehow configurable thorugh serweb.
Thank You in advance Bests -Tomasz
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-- Jiri Kuthan