On 03/10/2011 10:04 PM, Asgaroth wrote:
Hi Alex,
On 11/03/2011 02:37, Alex Balashov wrote:
Are you actually talking about the destination
set, or the domain part
of the request uri? If the latter, check out $rd and $rp.
I'm looking for the domain part of the destination uri. I have the
following reply route defined:
onreply_route[REPLY_ONE] {
xlog("REPLY_ONE : $rm : R-URI=$ru\n");
xlog("REPLY_ONE : $rm : D-URI=$du\n");
xlog("REPLY_ONE : $rm : Request Domain=$rd\n");
xlog("REPLY_ONE : $rm : Request Port=$rp\n");
xlog("REPLY_ONE : $rm : Destination Domain=$dd\n");
The output I get from the above is as follows:
[17344]: ERROR:<script>: REPLY_ONE : INVITE : R-URI=<null>
[17344]: ERROR:<script>: REPLY_ONE : INVITE : D-URI=<null>
[17344]: ERROR:<script>: REPLY_ONE : INVITE : Request Domain=<null>
[17344]: ERROR:<script>: REPLY_ONE : INVITE : Request Port=<null>
[17344]: ERROR:<script>: REPLY_ONE : INVITE : Destination Domain=<null>
Oh, I see what you're asking now.
You have to use a special PV container to access PVs associated with the
request to which the reply route is attached:
Alex Balashov - Principal
Evariste Systems LLC
260 Peachtree Street NW
Suite 2200
Atlanta, GA 30303
Tel: +1-678-954-0670
Fax: +1-404-961-1892