please do not write direct private emails for questions about kamailio, use public mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org (cc-ed) -- private emails are ignored, after the first notification.
exit is not a function exported by a module, it is implemented in core.
On the other hand, you try to stop the kamailio cfg interpreter when lua interpreter is executing the Lua script, so it won't work straightforward. Set a variable in kamailio from Lua, then check it after executing the lua script to decide to further exit or not.
Cheers, Daniel
On 5/24/11 11:44 AM, Bret McDanel wrote:
I am having a terrible time trying to get a conditional response from a lua script.
Basically I want
if error then sr.sl.send_reply(404,"Not Found"); sr.modf("exit"); -- this does not work! end
How can I have such a conditional? I have tried with return values from the script to see if that would change anything but that did not seem to work, sr.modf("exit") is not found.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.