23 apr 2013 kl. 09:21 skrev Pavel Segeč pavel.segec@fri.uniza.sk:
Hi all Kamailio IMS community,
after a time, we are starting to use Kamailio 4.0 based IMS platform during our university lessons (before we used Kamailio 3.2 based). However I'm missing some usefull links, docs, tutorials regarding of Kamailio 4.0 IMS procesess. The situation was quite poor alerady before for 3.2 but some was available on ng-voice web page, at least, now nothing (especially about new ng-voice HSS). Does anybody know and help us with some usefull information about the Kamailio IMS 4.0 and HSS? I promise to prepare and make publicly available guides on our site nil.uniza.sk (Kamailio award for 2010)
Thank you for your feedback.
I think it would be beneficial if all of you that wants improved documentation starts posting questions, point out missing pieces and what you do not understand to help the authors to write additional documents on the Kamailio Wiki and improve the module documentation. I would personally prefer that documents are made available on our site with the tools we provide the community ;-)
It's not always easy, since as a developer you see from a different perspective and everything is so clear and simple. After all, it's all in the source code ;-) Just saying that the "documentation is poor" doesn't help much. Provide inspiration, ask detailed questions and help out. Contribute and participate.
Also remember that Open Source is based on volontary work, things doesn't always happen over night. Getting the modules into the core source code base was a lot of work and it's an important first step towards the goal of making it fully documented and available.
Thank you for your contributions!