On 10/9/12 3:32 PM, Uri Shacked wrote:
Hi, If i have two keys on a HTABLE that are the same. i undestand i need to set the key type to 1 (array). i use the $shtcn and get 3 (size is an entry as well). so far, so good. But, now i am trying to get all the values from the table to an AVP oto say it in another way - i need all values because i parse it afterwards. So, what is the syntax? using $sht() didn't work.....
this array type is only for loading from database. In memory, the key includes the index. Just do a sht_dump and you will see the string value of the key. Then you can access it via $sht(...).
In case you didn't delete any items, you should be able to do a while loop with an index variable to access all they items build using same array-key.
Cheers, Daniel