Thanks for doing this. I've registered an account: gnuday.
I am trying to register a SIP client over TLS (jitsi) I can register to my kamailio server easily via TLS but not this one. I can register via UDP to your proxy though.
Also, I notice there are no SRV or NAPTR records: host -t SRV _sips._tcp.openrcs.com host -t SRV _sip._udp.openrcs.com host -t NAPTR openrcs.com
Aren't these needed for federation? I would love to try federating my proxy with this one.
Thanks again.
Kind Regards, John
On 16/05/13 14:45, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
following several requests during Kamailio World, but also in the
direction of federating open source and local communities via SIP (as a result of FOSDEM panel and discussions), a SIP service was built up to be offered for free on best effort manner - the hardware and bandwidth are offered by asipto.com, the service is using the domain openrcs.com.
Main goal is to offer a free option for community members (but not
restricted to) to create and use SIP accounts. The plan is to enable many (common) new features to allow people to play with, helping also to test kamailio.
There is a rather basic (and alpha stage) web portal based on
wordpress+buddypress, good enough for the moment to create an account and tune some options - it is available at:
Along with voice/video calling and instant messaging, the service has
enabled features such as simple presence, msrp relay, xcap server and websocket (web portal embeds a bare sip app built using jssip library). Other features will be enable over the time, but have in mind **it is a not a telephony service**, thus no such specific services like emergency, pstn interconnect, etc.
Hope it will be useful for many people - who ever wants to try it, head
Cheers, Daniel