On Sep 30, 2010 at 21:12, Juha Heinanen jh@tutpro.com wrote:
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul writes:
one more thing i would like to add to the tuto if someone knows the answer: how to capture/see sip over ssl packets in the proxy host using wireshark, ngrep, or something?
ssldump -k modules/tls/sip-router-selfsigned.key tcp and port 5061
i tried with command
ssldump -i any -k /etc/sip-proxy/certs/sip-proxy/key.pem tcp and port 5061
where /etc/sip-proxy/certs/sip-proxy/key.pem is the same file as specified as tls module private key:
modparam("tls", "private_key", "/etc/sip-proxy/certs/sip-proxy/key.pem")
nothing comes to console. i must have misunderstood the command. i also tried with -i eth0, but it didn't help.
For me it doesn't work with -i any, but works with -i eth0.
To quickly create a test tls connection I use: openssl s_client -connect host:5061 -tls1