Hi; I'm using the received parameter to send a MESSAGE to unregsiter the first user that is registered to register the second one. Using: *modparam("usrloc", "received_column"*
*modparam("registrar|nathelper", "received_avp",*
and when I do a: select received from location; as you can see is null. +----------+ | received | +----------+ | NULL | +----------+
In IPV4 is working fine, but in IPV6 is not. Can you tell me how can I get this value? Im going crazy with that.
reg_fetch_contacts("location", "$fu", "existingContact"); if( $(ulc(existingContact=>user_agent)[0]) =~ "SPI/v"){ $var(oldDeviceId) = $(ulc(existingContact=>callid)[0]{s.substr,9,0}); $var(newDeviceId) = $(hdr(Call-ID){s.substr,9,0}); if($var(oldDeviceId) != $var(newDeviceId) ){ xlog("L_INFO","New device id is different:warn previous user another user overide him"); $var(address) = $(ulc(existingContact=> *received*)[0]); $var(ruri) = $(var(address){s.substr,4,0}); #Send a SIP Request signalling the problem and its reason on the body $uac_req(method)="MESSAGE"; $uac_req(ruri) = "sip:"+ $au + "@" + $var(ruri); $uac_req(furi) = "sip:kamailio@sip_domain"; $uac_req(turi) = $fu; $uac_req(hdrs)="Max-Forwards: 70\r\nEvent: reg\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nAccept-Contact:*;+g.ext.app.registration\r\n"; $uac_req(body)="Already registered with another device id"; uac_req_send(); drop; } }
Thank you.