Hello all, I'm trying to use a naptr address as a dispatcher destination and i'm facing some issues here.
When i configure a naptr address in dispatcher table, like:
I see kamailio making a dns query of type A, but since that this name doesn't have any A record configured in dns, kamailio didn't get any positive reply from it.
Should't kamailio make dns query by this order?
1. NAPTR 2. SRV 3. A
I noticed also that if the name configured in dispatcher table is resolved successfully with A record from dns, then kamailio tries to make a query to NAPTR and then SRV services for the exactly same name used for query previously done(type A), but only if it gets a positive answer from dns to the A type query.
I'm using kamailio version 5.1.0 with the following dns parameters configured:
####### DNS Parameters ######### dns = no rev_dns = no dns_try_ipv6 = no dns_retr_time = 1 dns_retr_no = 1 dns_cache_del_nonexp = no dns_cache_flags = 1 dns_cache_gc_interval = 120 dns_cache_init = 1 dns_cache_mem = 1000 dns_cache_negative_ttl = 60 dns_try_naptr = yes use_dns_cache = on use_dns_failover = on dns_srv_lb = yes
Is there something wrongly configured here that can make kamailio behaves like that?
Thank you. Regards