have not checked the code, but the ds_next_dst() should just get the next destination from
the configured XAVP.
Have you tried to print it e.g. with pv_xavp_print() to see if there is maybe too much or
wrong content inside?
Henning Westerholt -
Kamailio services -
From: Geoff Goas via sr-users <sr-users(a)lists.kamailio.org>
Sent: Mittwoch, 27. September 2023 19:03
To: Patrick Karton <patrickarton(a)hotmail.com>om>; sr-users(a)lists.kamailio.org
Cc: Geoff Goas <Geoff.Goas(a)interoptechnologies.com>
Subject: [SR-Users] Re: What is the expected behavior for dispatcher's ds_next_dst?
Hi Patrick,
That's exactly the workaround that I have in my back pocket - I tested it and it works
well. I am still interested in getting some clarification, though.
From: Patrick Karton
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 12:37
To: sr-users@lists.kamailio.org<mailto:sr-users@lists.kamailio.org>
Cc: Geoff Goas
Subject: RE: [SR-Users] What is the expected behavior for dispatcher's ds_next_dst?
before using t_relay you can probably check if next hop uri is still in the target group
ds_is_from_list([groupid [, mode [, uri] ] ])
for example ds_is_from_list("3","3","$du"); all parameters
can be variables too.
you can check on documentation the mode parameter to see how comparison is done.
De : geoff.goas--- via sr-users
Envoyé : mardi 26 septembre 2023 21:02
À : sr-users@lists.kamailio.org<mailto:sr-users@lists.kamailio.org>
Cc : geoff.goas@interoptechnologies.com<mailto:geoff.goas@interoptechnologies.com>
Objet : [SR-Users] What is the expected behavior for dispatcher's ds_next_dst?
I have some questions about dispatcher's behavior. I noticed that when I first
ds_select_dst() a specific dispatcher group ID, ds_next_dst() will cycle through the
active destinations in that group. When it reaches the end of the destinations in the
group, it does not return "false", instead it starts to return destinations that
are not a part of that group, ie. those destinations which are listed prior to the
selected group in the dispatcher.list file. Is this the expected behavior? I've
observed it on kamailio 5.3 and 5.5 releases.
My dispatcher.list:
# Group 1
1 sip:;transport=udp 8 0
# Group 2
2 sip:;transport=udp 8 0
# Group 3
3 sip:;transport=udp 8 0
3 sip:;transport=udp 8 0
3 sip:;transport=udp 8 0
# Group 4
4 sip:;transport=udp 8 0
4 sip:;transport=udp 8 0
I have the following in failure_route (excerpt):
$var(dsFoundDestination) = 0;
if (t_any_replied())
xlog("L_INFO", "FAILURE ROUTE: Already have
replies on this transaction. Selecting next destination from:
if (ds_next_dst())
destination selected: [$du] from [$var(dsDestinations)]");
$var(dsFoundDestination) = 1;
else if (ds_select_dst("3", "8")) //
Dispatcher Group 3
xlog("L_INFO", "FAILURE ROUTE: Did not find any
replies on this transaction. Selected destination: [$du]");
$var(dsFoundDestination) = 1;
if ($var(dsFoundDestination))
$var(logString) = "FAILURE ROUTE: Relayed to [" +
$du + "]";
if (t_relay())
xlog("L_INFO", "$var(logString)");
Produces the following logs:
FAILURE ROUTE: Did not find any replies on this transaction. Selected destination:
FAILURE ROUTE: Relayed to [sip:;transport=udp]
FAILURE ROUTE: Already have replies on this transaction. Selecting next destination from:
FAILURE ROUTE: Next destination selected: [sip:;transport=udp] from
FAILURE ROUTE: Relayed to [sip:;transport=udp]
FAILURE ROUTE: Already have replies on this transaction. Selecting next destination from:
FAILURE ROUTE: Next destination selected: [sip:;transport=udp] from
FAILURE ROUTE: Relayed to [sip:;transport=udp]
FAILURE ROUTE: Already have replies on this transaction. Selecting next destination from:
FAILURE ROUTE: Next destination selected: [sip:;transport=udp] from
FAILURE ROUTE: Relayed to [sip:;transport=udp]
FAILURE ROUTE: Already have replies on this transaction. Selecting next destination from:
FAILURE ROUTE: Next destination selected: [sip:;transport=udp] from
FAILURE ROUTE: Relayed to [sip:;transport=udp]
FAILURE ROUTE: Already have replies on this transaction. Selecting next destination from:
FAILURE ROUTE: Next destination selected: [sip:;transport=udp] from
FAILURE ROUTE: Relayed to [sip:;transport=udp]
I want to stop the loop once there are no more active destinations in group 3. Is the
solution simply to check that the selected destination is part of the desired group and
stop processing if it is not?
Thanks for your time.
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