I'm looking at a project which requires a higher than normal reliability for a SIP server. The project involves risk-of-life communications. The volume of traffic is quite low.
I have been using SER in embedded applications for some time now without problems but I am now looking at a larger scale project.
Assuming I can provide hardware server(s) with suitable characteristics, then :
- How reliable is SER? - In each version? - In each module?
Are there any well established high availability configurations for SER?
Are there any risk-of-life deployments I can reference?
We may well use SEMS for part of the project so the same questions apply.
I'm not expecting 100% reliability, just a system that matches or exceeds present high reliability PABX deployments.
If you are of the honest opinion that SER is not good enough, what SIP server products should I be looking at? Or is SIP not suitable full stop?
Thanks in advance