Hi, I've experimented PKG out of memory in a production server. Of course I'm already increasing such value but I would like to know if the current settings and traffic could run into PKG memory issues:
- Dual core INTEL XEON 3.00 GHz server. - Kamailio PKG memory = 4 MB. - Kamailio Shared memory = 64 MB. - Kamailio just listens in a single UDP port (8 childrens). - Just INVITE method is handled (no registration, no subscription).
The script does the following for each request:
- 'permissions' module to match source IP (just ~20 entries in 'address' table). - 2 custom SQL queries (returning a simple value). - 'dialog' memory (just in memory). - 'uac' module to change From header. - There are 10 AVP's set per transaction. - 'lcr' module for routing to two gateways (just 2 entries in 'lcr' table). - 'rtpproxy' is forced for every call.
The server has been working properly for months but these days the traffic has been duplicated, having ~400 simultaneous calls in peak hours. Also note that such calls come from callcenters so they are ver "fast".
With this environment, is it normal to get into PKG memory issues (4 MB)? I understand that it makes sense, but I would like to hear some opinions. Thanks a lot.