On 8/26/10 4:47 PM, Geoffrey Mina wrote:
OK, so In my scenario this wouldn't achieve what I am looking for. I basically want 2 servers to get all the round-robin requests unless they are unavailable. Then I would want the lower proiority servers brought into the mix.
Maybe ill take a look at the source to see how tough this would be.
you can do that. It is up to your logic in config -- use as may setids as you need in cascade. E.g., just build the logic so that if all routes in dispatcher setid X fails then use routes from setid Y.
Cheers, Daniel
On 8/26/10, Geoffrey Minageoffreymina@gmail.com wrote:
Hello, I have a question about the "priority" in the dispatcher module. I looked in the docu-wiki and there was nothing which actually described how this field is used (exactly), so I can only guess or ask the list.
Say I have 3 destinations in a set:
set: 1 dest: sip: priority: 1
set: 1 dest: sip: priority: 1
set: 1 dest: sip: priority: 0
I am using ds_select_domain("1","4") to retrieve my list of destinations.
In this scenario, would the calls only route to if .4 and .5 were both out of service?