On Sep 30, 2010 at 19:07, Simone Felici s.felici@mclink.eu wrote:
Thank you a lot for your answer! I'll try these modifications, starting from some tune on actual config of ser-2.0 to bring all working correctly and then ending with a test phase of the ser-3.0 version. I'll let you know if I should have some new issues.
I've just remember one more thing: try using consume_credentials() when proxy_authorize() (or radius_proxy_authorize) is successful. This will remove the auth. info from the packets (most likely if you forward them and the packets don't loop back through your proxy it is not needed anymore).
Speaking of radius_proxy_authorize(), you have a small script bug:
if (!radius_proxy_authorize("$domain_default")) {
xlog("L_INFO","LXLOG AUTHENTICATION: !proxy_authenticate"); if ($? == -2) {
$? is the return code of the last function, and in this case since you inserted that xlog() statement, $? will contain xlog() return value and not the one from radius_proxy_authorize().
You can further reduce the size by commenting out all the setavpflag(), but note that this will break rtpproxy/nat traversal (but you can do it the old style way, like in ser 0.9.9, without saving avps in RR).
Apart from that look at forwarded sip packets and see if you can spot useless headers. If you do you can always remove them, by using remove_hf(header_name).
If you try migrating to 3.0, check sip-router-oob.cfg or ser-oob.cfg (the name depends on how you install it). I think your config is based on the 2.0 version of it.