Nothing better! g-)
Jiri Kuthan wrote:
At 10:00 07/03/2007, Greger V. Teigre wrote:
Hi, Who's in charge of the agenda in Prague? (Or do we have somebody in charge? ;-)
Unless folks are uncomfortable with it, I'm appointing myself :-) I will be compiling the first draft soon. There will be presentations on SER status and plans from iptel, on contributions from contributors, and integration from partners.
I'm in favor of keeping the presentations rather short in favor of debates that allow targetted questions (as opposed to "one-way" presentations). Short means for me 20 minutes.
The presenters need to be allowed time to prepare for presentations etc. And we should decide on the length and the format of the meeting. I hope we can avoid a "death-by-powerpoint" (yes, I include openoffice in this category) style and rather have short intros and discussions :-) g-) _______________________________________________ Serdev mailing list
-- Jiri Kuthan