If your SIP UA (phone or softphone) is behind the NAT and doesn't support STUN and if you want the SIP Proxy to fix the address information then you need to use the functions exported by the NAT modules in Kamailio.
But as indicated in other posts if it is symmetric NAT you're dealing with then will have to relay the Media to allow user-to-user conversations. If all you are doing is allowing PSTN breakout to a gateway, then you can rewrite() to the gateway address as the destination and t_relay() the signalling to the gateway.
The code below I have quickly hacked together for the .cfg file and is not complete or tested - but should give you some ideas.
To fix the contact address for registration use something like:
Route { #=====SNIP========
if (method=="REGISTER") {
# Use digest authentication if (!www_authorize("", "subscriber")) { www_challenge("", "0"); break; }; # endif (!www_authorize...)
# Check if client is behind NAT if (nat_uac_test("3")) { fix_nated_contact(); save("location"); force_rport(); break; } else { save("location"); break; }; # endif (nat_uac_test...)
}; # endif (method=="REGISTER")
To fix the INVITE processing to forward to the gateway for PSTN breakout use something like:
#=====SNIP===== if (method == "INVITE") { # Basically challenge all end-points that make calls # before we ship the call to PSTN gateway if (!proxy_authorize("","subscriber")) { proxy_challenge("", "0"); break; }; # endif (!proxy_ath..)
# Fixed NATed SDP and contact headers if (nat_uac_test("3")) { log(1, "Inside NATed INVITE Processing\n"); fix_nated_contact(); fix_nated_sdp("3"); t_on_reply("1"); break; }# endif (nat_uac_test...)
}; # endif (method=="INVITE")
========= SNIP =========== Called parties not in the location database and not from PSTN, forward to PSTN gateway You might want to consider the permissions module for the allow_trusted() function to process inbound calls From the gateway. (
#====== SNIP============= onreply_route[1] {
if (status =~ "(180)|(183)|2[0-9][0-9]") { log(1, "Inside 180|183|200 Processing\n"); fix_nated_contact(); fix_nated_sdp("3"); }; # endif (status...) } # end onreply processing
Neill Wilkinson Principal Consultant Aeonvista Ltd - opening up new ideas
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of David Villasmil Sent: 03 September 2008 10:17 To: BERGANZ François Cc: Subject: Re: [Kamailio-Users] NAT transversal without mediaproxy or rtpproxy
You need to use SOMETHING, it doesn't work by magic. Maybe you should start by reading this:
It explains WHAT and WHY you need the stuff you need to do NAT Traversal. Its a read, but it is very enlightening!
On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 11:04 AM, BERGANZ François wrote:
But, if it dont use STUN, what have I to do more?
-----Message d'origine----- De : Daniel-Constantin Mierla [] Envoyé : mercredi 3 septembre 2008 11:00 À : BERGANZ François Cc : Objet : Re: [Kamailio-Users] NAT transversal without mediaproxy or
On 09/03/08 11:55, BERGANZ François wrote:
Have you an example?
if the phones use STUN then the server has nothing to do. Their will appear as having a public routable IP address. You do not need anything particular in kamailio configuration.
Cheers, Daniel
-----Message d'origine----- De : Daniel-Constantin Mierla [] Envoyé : mercredi 3 septembre 2008 10:44 À : BERGANZ François Cc : Objet : Re: [Kamailio-Users] NAT transversal without mediaproxy or
On 09/03/08 11:40, BERGANZ François wrote:
I am looking for to do nat transversal without mediaproxy or rtpproxy!
I can't find any example without mediaproxy or rtpproxy.
Have you an idea?
I need to register my users, and contact them after
if your subscribers are not behind a symmetric nat and their phones can do STUN, then this is a solution that doesn't require media relaying on server side.
If you have to deal with symmetric nat, then you are stuck with media relaying on server side.
Cheers, Daniel
-- Daniel-Constantin Mierla
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