How about changing some parameters in the mysql.conf of
FreeRADIUS? I think i also need to change this because it will not
match with the already existing patched database, is that right? Is
mediaproxy 1.7.2 can detect if the RTP timed out for a current
session, for example a session that don't have any RTP traffic, will
it send an accounting stop to proxydispatcher to close the call?
At 10:57 PM 6/28/2006, Adrian Georgescu wrote:
I do now know your setup but you only need to add some
extra columns
to your radacct table. Except for the time required to apply the sql
changes (your table will lock and you cannot write to it) I am not
aware of any impact on a standard freeradius installation.
Ok, it means that I'll just make the RTP pass through mediaproxy by
enabling the use of it on non-NATed UA's. Just a question, I have an
existing RADIUS accounting setup, would there be a problem if I
implemented the accounting feature of mediaproxy? I'm afraid because
written in the docs in the distro i need to patch the radacct table,
will it affect the existing one or alter something?
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