On 2/3/10 10:43 AM, alex pappas wrote:
Daniel hi,
Now it works! I'm adding in the rpid avp the value that the RFC it says $avp(s:rpid) = $fu; and then
append_rpid_hf("$fU", ";party=calling;id-type=subscriber;privacy=off;screen=no");
In this way I see the headers added correctly in sip message. Considering what you said about the from header make it anonymus that is right! Even in our network we have a switch which din't understand rpid and we change the from to anonymous. In Kamailio the $fu and $fU are writable. In this case how can I change that ?
if the devices are SIP 2.0 (rfc3261) the you can do:
remove_hf("From"); append_hf("From: anonymous@invalid;tag=$ft\r\n", "From");
if not, look at uac module.
Cheers, Daniel